Have City Fire Represent You During Your Fire Marshal Inspection
If you run any kind of commercial enterprise in South Florida, you know your property must be inspected by the fire marshal each year to ensure your ongoing fire safety. The elements of your inspection will vary depending upon your industry and the function of your property—the fire marshal inspection for an auto shop is different than that of a restaurant.
That’s why it’s important to have a licensed fire safety professional present during your annual fire marshal inspection. The technicians at City Fire Inc. understand the fire codes, ordinances and standards unique to Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties and can answer any questions the fire marshal has regarding your fire safety system and equipment.

Fire Marshall Inspection FAQs
Getting ready for a fire inspection consists of various procedures. Verify that all fire exits are clear and unobstructed. Test and maintain fire safety equipment such as alarms, extinguishers, and sprinkler systems. Maintain records of frequent maintenance and inspections. Ensure that the electrical systems are in good shape. Employees should receive training on fire safety practices and evacuation preparations. Address any potential fire hazards, such as blocked emergency exits or improperly stored flammable goods. Collaborate with local fire departments and stay current on pertinent regulations. A well-prepared and structured strategy leads to a smooth and effective fire inspection.
Common violations found during fire marshal inspections include blocked exits and obstructed fire lanes, which impede evacuation and emergency access. Non-functional fire alarms and smoke detectors are critical safety oversights. Improper storage of flammable materials and inadequate fire extinguishers can pose significant hazards. Electrical violations, such as overloaded circuits and exposed wiring, are also frequently cited. Additionally, lack of proper signage for exits and fire equipment, and failure to maintain clear access to sprinkler systems, are common issues that need addressing.
Our comprehensive list of fire protection products includes:
- Properly marked and illuminated emergency exits
- A comprehensive and fully functional fire suppression system
- Portable fire extinguishers
- Safe, code-compliant storage of flammable materials
- Potential electrical hazards such as exposed or improperly insulated wiring
After the inspection, we will go over the fire marshal’s report with you; we will explain the results and execute any actions the report requires.
Have a trained professional in your corned during your annual fire marshal inspection. Call City Fire Inc. today at (954) 987-1338.
Serving You Since 1974
City Fire has served South Florida from our Hollywood location for more than 50 years. We are fully licensed, bonded and certified to provide comprehensive fire safety services and out our decades of experience to work for you. When you’re looking for someone to represent you during your fire marshal inspection, look no further than City Fire.
Fire Safety You Can Trust
Trust is the cornerstone of City Fire’s business values. We have dedicated our decades of training and experience to providing top notch fire safety services in South Florida. Our goal is to make sure you:
- Trust our people
- Trust our pricing
- Trust our products